Our Blocks

Werrus AquaMarine maintains leased exploration and development rights in three blocks, Main Pass 295, 294, and South Timbalier 267, comprising 14,120 acres in the proven shallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico shelf.  Our blocks are adjacent to mature fields that have produced 650 mm barrels of oil to date.  Taking advantage of seismic data and 3-D technology, we have identified 13 total opportunities.  

Three World Class Blocks in a Proven Super Basin

  • MP 295, where Werrus AquaMarine plans to drill its first exploration/appraisal well, is approximately 4,560 acres in an area located in water depths of 160-200 feet.  It lies on the eastern flank of the prolific oil-prone MP144 block, which contains a producing Upper Miocene oil field with Miocene and Cretaceous potential.

     Werrus AquaMarine has identified four possible well locations in MP295 to target.  Marlin-1 and Marlin-2 are planned appraisal/development wells, with additional exploration targets in Upper Miocene reservoirs.  Swordfish-1 well is planned as an appraisal/development well, with an additional exploration target, in Middle Miocene reservoirs.  Well Angler-1 is a planned exploration well to test Cretaceous reservoirs.

  • Main Pass 294 is adjacent to and east of Main Pass 295.  The main objective comprises two levels defined on 3D seismic downdip extensions of a proven productive play in the MP306 field. The unrisked IP BTE volume for both sands is 42 mm bbl + 42 BCF.

    In addition, there is a small shallow gas discovery (6 BCF) in the north of the block, with some exploration potential.

  • The ST 267 block is surrounded by a number of oil and gas-condensate fields, reservoired in Pleistocene and Upper Pliocene reservoirs, interpreted as turbiditic in origin. The field closest to the south, ST 295, is an oil field currently producing.

    Werrus Aquamarine is planning to drill an appraisal well on ST267 targeting two main sand intervals with proven oil (”2,100” and “4,400”), with an additional exploration target in the “3800” sand..

    The BTE IP volume is 7.73 mm bbl + 7.4 BCF (9 mm boe) with an additional 0.54 mmbbl +0.54 BCF (0.63 mmboe) in the exploration objective.

Werrus AquaMarine is at the right place, at the right time, with the right team to tap into the exceptional oil and gas opportunities on the Gulf of Mexico Shelf.