Commitment to Community

Reducing our carbon footprint and protecting the health and safety of our people are central to our development goals and we have built many safeguards into our business and operating plans. At the same time, we are committed to supporting the local communities of the US Gulf Coast and making them a part in the success of Werrus AquaMarine.

Pelican Marina Louisiana Gulf coast

Werrus AquaMarine’s exploration and production plan entails clean, modern and safe operations and we view safety and environmental protections as paramount to proper operations. 

Committment to Community local personal and equipment Gulf Coast States Werrus AquaMarine

Local content will be maximized as we use personnel and equipment procured predominantly from Gulf Coast states. We will support the local communities and economies along the Gulf Coast by providing employment and business opportunities for people in those areas.

Commitment to Community LNG powered supply vessels Werrus AquaMarine

The supply vessels we seek to use will be powered by LNG for lower emissions than traditional bunker fueled supply vessels.

Commitment to community solar panels offshore platform

The platforms will primarily run unmanned with remotely controlled operations powered by solar panels allowing us to decrease our carbon footprint and enhance the safety of our people.

Commitment to community lower risk conventional drilling no hydraulic fracturing

Conventional drilling will be deployed, which is lower risk and a less capital-intense approach compared to unconventional operations onshore in shale plays. No hydraulic fracturing or high-pressure well completions will be required.

Werrus AquaMarine is at the right place, at the right time, with the right team to tap into the exceptional oil and gas opportunities on the Gulf of Mexico Shelf.