Operational Readiness

Werrus AquaMarine is a recognized Operator as approved by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. We have secured approvals and permits and are operationally ready to drill our first well. Approval of the Initial Exploration Plan was granted by the US Department of the Interior on August 12, 2020, and includes activities proposed for the Marlin No. 1 drill well. A subsequent amendment to the Exploration Plan granted approval for the No. 2 well. An Application for a Permit to Drill (APD) has been submitted for the Marlin No. 1 and Marlin No. 2 wells and is tentatively approved, pending final locations and bonding.


Strategy Engineering has completed a FEED study (Front End Engineering Design) to define the costs of platform installation and pipeline lay to the nearby MP 144 for production.


Drilling costs and programs have been prepared by RD2 Engineering.


Mudline suspension equipment provided by DrilQuip has been purchased and awaits deployment.


A Shallow Hazard Survey has been performed over the area proposed for the drilling of Marlin No. 1, Marlin No. 2, and Swordfish No. 1.

South - North Seismic Line Through the MP295 Block

South - North Seismic Line Trough the MP295 Block wells

Werrus AquaMarine is at the right place, at the right time, with the right team to tap into the exceptional oil and gas opportunities on the Gulf of Mexico Shelf.